Mimecast Personal Email Portal

Mimecast Personal Email Portal

Mimecast Personal Email Portal

To view all "Held" messages and "Blocked" senders visit your Mimecast Personal Email Portal

Login to Mimecast Personal Portal

  1. Visit the WSD Links webpage: https://www.wsd.k12.az.us/Page/38
  2. Click "Mimecast Personal Portal" listed under "Staff Links"
  3. Login using your Email
Your Email is your " (first Initial)(last name) @wsd7.org "
Example: mfelix@wsd7.org

View all "Held" Email messages

Click "Personal On Hold"

Want to "Release" or "Reject" one or multiple Emails to your inbox?
  1. Check the checkbox on the corresponding Email(s) you want to "Release" or "Reject"
  2. Click the "Thumbs up" to "Release" the Email(s) 
  3. Click the "Thumbs down" to "Reject" the Email(s) 

View all "Blocked" Email senders

Click "Blocked"

Want to Permit a blocked sender? Click "Permit" on the corresponding row to the email you want to "Permit".

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