How to Send an Encrypted Message

Send encrypted and/or confidential emails
How to Send an Encrypted Message

1. Begin on the browser version of Outlook.

2. Click 'New Message' to create a new message.

3. In your new message, you'll see various options at the top. To encrypt your email, click '


Note: There will be a small information bar that pops up at the top of your email that states that it is encrypted. If you need to remove it, just click 'Remove encryption'

Here's what the message will look like for the person receiving the email (through Outlook and Gmail):
How to Mark an Email as Confidential

1. Once you have done that, your email is encrypted. To mark the email as 'Confidential', first click on the three dots.

2. Once clicked, it will bring up a drop down menu. Select 'Show message options...'

3. A menu will pop up called 'Message Options'. Click on the drop down menu under 'Sensitivity' and select 'Confidential'.

4. Once the sensitivity setting is set to what you need, click 'OK' to apply changes. You'll know you've done it right because it will say 'This message is marked as confidential.'

Here's what the message will look like for the person receiving the email (through Outlook):

If you need assistance, please open a Support Ticket:
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